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One Woman

Felt Called


Now We Are Called



The Benedictine Sisters of Bethany are a religious community of women affiliated with the Anglican Church of Cameroon.


Their life is one of prayer, worship and work.  Good Shepherd Home being their primary concern, houses over 150 orphaned children who are fed, clothed, educated and loved.  it is recognised by the Cameroonian Government as one of the finest orphanages in the country.


Its founder and present superior, Sr. Jane Mankaa, started with nothing but a dream to aid homeless children and women.  She shared her dream with a visiting monk who financed her journey to America.  There she learned more of the way of religious life and began to share her dream and to raise money to make it a reality and so it is today.


An annex has been opened in a nearby village of Batibo for orphans and special needs children many afflicted with epilepsy.


The Community of St. John Baptist, Mendham, New Jersey is a strong supporter by prayer, money raising activities, as well as making a yealy visit to encourage, support, pray and ascertain needs.


Your contributions and prayers for this ministry are needed.

With just a $15,000 grant, Sister Jane purchased the property that would become The Good Shepherd Home for Children.


In just a few years they now have a dormitory, primary school, fresh water system, bakery, piggery, and chicken farms.

In The


Roberto Rovere Medical Clinic

We are pleased to announce we are in the final stages of completing the work on the building.
December 2014

Sr. Jane Manka'a

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